Monday, November 3, 2008

So here goes...

Welly well well, it's been a long time coming. I finally found a really great apartment, it's so cute and it has no less than TWO walk in closets. When I found this apartment I also had a job, but because of this financial crisis I was laid off. So without a job, and with a new apartment my journey begins.
I might as well introduce myself (where are my manners?), so you know who you're dealing with.
I'm a soon-to-be 23 year old chick, living in Sweden. Just south of the capital, Stockholm. In a new apartment with my cat, whom I don't really see eye to eye with. It's my fault, he's nice. I'm the ass in our twosome. I'm a finance assistant, currently a jobless one. I have what I call restless mind syndrome, meaning I like to do things all the time to prevent boredom. I try to keep myself as busy as possible, not always succeeding but always trying.
Now I've started a project of a lifetime; a makeover of my life. Just moved in to a new place, broke up with the guy who was holding me back and now I'm on the lookout for a job, a man and a better life.
Stay with me and we'll write a new chapter together as we go along.



  1. finally. Hope you fill us in when fun stuff happens and post the damn pictures. you promised :D

  2. You have the link for pic-watching. I'll post some here. I tried to, but blogger refused to accept my 'compromising' pictures ;P Nah, the effin page just shut down on me and I didn't give it a second try. I'll post some in due time.
