Saturday, March 14, 2009

Paint pot pink... how decadent

Oh for the love of Jeebus... How busy can a person be? Very, it would seem. I've been keeping busy all week. Just yesterday I was translating wedding invitations from Korean(!) to Swedish. I'm not hired to do that, but work has hit somewhat of a dry spell and all of last week. No I take that back, the second half of last week was a complete and utter desert. Workwise. Speaking of deserts, made me realize that I'd really like a dessert. But I'm trying to avoid them a while. I've been watching my back a while now... thinking someone would sneak up on me and put a cow bell around my neck and tag my ear. Yes, that's how fat I've become people. I'm afraid some farmer will think I'm a stray cow and take me home to his herd. Do cows come in herds by the way?
I'd like to think they do. If sheeps can why couldn't cows... right?! Who's on board with that idea?
So instead of working I'm wasting time thinking about how and when I'll end my painting project. In all fairness it takes time to achieve perfection but a week is a little much none the less. I'll add some pics as soon as I feel ready to do so.
I have a new dishwasher standing in my hallway. It's been there for over a week now. Still haven't gotten around to installing it. So instead I had to do the damn dishes manually, which is a strain on my fatass body. I'm no longer friends with it.
Also I've realized that I might have to cut back on the smoking. Which sucks major balls, but the deed has to be done sooner or later. Oh... I will be cool no more. That's the only reason I smoke... Because it makes me look so damn hot and eligible. Haha. No, but all that aside it really screws up my lungs. I can't stomach a flight of stairs. Meaning I can't eat a flight of stairs... Or something in that general area of expertise.
No, I haven't been drinking but later on when I've mask taped the walls I will kick back with a much deserved glass of red wine. In all my loneliness.
For all the single people out there that's a great tip. Sit home a Saturday night knocking back wine alone, practically constitutes a relationship Yeah... I'm going to be alone for a LONG time.

Wait... who said that!?
