Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Who is this TheMolester?

I bet you all are asking yourselves who in fact is this TheMolester-type. Well here goes:

* Is king of blog.
* Is a thinkin' feller.
* Is politically librul.
* Is a follower of Jeebus (never to be confused with the fictional superhero "Jesus").
* Is a pseudonym.
* Is smarter than some of you, but less smart than many of you.
* Is a stickler for proper spelling and grammar, therefore makes spelling and grammar mistakes with regularity.
* Is not easily impressed, but very easily depressed.
* Is easily bored, most often with her own self.
* Is an extremely nice gal, despite a cruelly judgmental nature.
* Is even now silently judging you.
* Is not afraid to cry like a wee baby.
* Is crying at this very moment.
* Is probably a little too "emo" for your tastes.
* Is not normally prone to referring to herself in the third person.
* Is pleased that you made it all the way down this list.

There you have it, served chilled with only a hint of lemon. A dash even, if you will.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Happy to be standing anywhere

It's been a while. I know that. But you guys know Marcus and I broke up a while ago. Then I lost my job. How's that for novel material!? I couldn't believe that this could happen again. Another breakup, another job lost.
I don't know. Maybe it's time to throw in the towel. Give up. Or maybe it's time to try even harder. The job thing isn't all that bad. I know I'll find work again. But love. Will I ever find love again? I think everyone asks themself this very question. Will I ever fall as hard again? Will I want to?

I make myself unavailable. Intentionally. I'm scared to death to share my life and heart with another person again. I've been burned so many times. Never any good. Just bad guys, and bad choices.
I wanted to have a baby with M. He knows it as well as I. I could have been a mom now, had I made better choices. But I didn't. I listened to other people. Namely him. And I chose otherwise. I will forever regret that decision. Forever and ever. Because late at night, when I'm all alone I turn on all the lights to avoid the emptiness that darkness brings. I am afraid of myself. Of the person I've become. I'm terrified.

What if... What if that was my only chance and I screwed it up? What if that was it. No weekend pass. That was last call, and I missed it. I know it sounds just as crazy as it is, but I am afraid of never finding that great love. Never falling. Never having someone fall. What if I just lost my last chance.

I may have made the wrong bet. But it was one I made for myself, letting him go. I would have been dead by now had I still been with him. He took away my ability to believe. In me or anything. He was slowly killing me and I let him go. If that was my ONE, then I'd rather be without. But I really would like a child. It's something I've been dreaming of forever. And he took my dream away from me...

Are my dreams overdue?